Custom-made Hypnotherapy Recordings

Traditional therapy works mostly with the conscious mind, but it is the subconscious mind that is the storage place of our deepest issues, and it is the subconscious mind that drives most of our behavior and the patterns that show up in our lives.
Hypnotherapy allows us to access the subconscious mind and work with it directly. For this reason it can quickly break through stubborn patterns, including fears, anxieties, and negative beliefs about yourself or about life, that are so deeply rooted that they seem as if they are part of who you are.
Hypnotherapy has also been proven to help with a wide variety of physical health issues, including chronic health conditions such as IBS, fibromyalgia, atopic dermatitis, obesity, migraines, and tinnitus, to name a few.
In addition to helping with the anxiety that can accompany fertility issues, hypnotherapy has also been shown to help with unexplained fertility issues, and to double the implantation rates in IVF cycles.
Read more here about hypnotherapy for fertility and pregnancy.
A large percentage of high-level professional athletes use hypnosis to improve their performance, as well as many famous actors, celebrities, musicians, and high-level executives and entrepreneurs.
Almost everyone can benefit from hypnotherapy, whether you want to improve your performance, heal a chronic health issue, overcome a fear, or whether you are feeling stuck and looking for a breakthough to help you heal and transform.
My specialty is creating custom-made hypnotherapy recordings. We start with a sesssion in which we meet virtually via a secure teleheath platform, and discuss the issues you wish to overcome and your vision of exactly how you want your life to be and how you want to feel. I then create a customized hypnotherapy recording for you to listen to every day at home. Because the mind learns through repetition, this daily listening is the key to creating lasting change.
I put great care into each recording that I make. My clients reflect that they appreciate my soothing voice, my gift for listening, understanding and providing exactly what they need, and the intuition and experience with healing that I bring to my work.
"Let me start by saying that Valerie is one of the most gifted practitioners I have ever met. A few months ago, Valerie helped me through an impasse when no one else could. I was really struggling with severe anxiety around a necessary medical procedure and was hovering in an emotional limbo that brought me a significant amount of suffering. I tried numerous other options, such as traditional therapy, to no avail. After a session with Valerie, in which we explored my unique situation, she took time and care to custom create a hypnotherapy recording for me. Literally days later I was already feeling a significant shift in my level of anxiety, and most importantly I soon moved past my nearly insurmountable fear related to the procedure. I can honestly say I owe my relief to Valerie and her skillful, gentle, instinctual approach. I recommend her for anyone dealing with fears and other major life stressors."
-C.C., Sonoma, California