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Past Events


Join us for the

Transformation to
"I am Enough

group program for women

Sunday, September 18th, 2022

Sunday, September 25th, 2022

Sunday, October 2nd, 2022

12pm-1:30pm Pacific

Anchor 1

The root cause of virtually every human problem is the feeling/belief that we are not enough.

What do I mean by “not enough?” It can mean feeling:

  • not good enough

  • not loveable enough

  • not successful enough

  • not attractive enough

  • not thin enough

  • not young enough

  • not experienced enough

  • not smart enough

  • not interesting enough

  • not worthy enough

or another variation.

We can also describe it as “not enough the way I am,” which drives us to believe that “I will only be enough once … "

  • I become successful in my career

  • I make my first million

  • I get my degree

  • I lose 20 pounds

  • I have kids

  • etc.

The amount of suffering caused by feeling "not enough" cannot be overstated. 

Most of us, even when we are quite functional in our lives, are suffering on some level from the belief that we are not enough.

This belief can get in the way of being able to form lasting, healthy relationships, being able to succeed in our careers, being able to have thriving health, and simply being able to be happy and at peace.

I've been feeling called to create a group program, a series of 3 sessions, a "Transformation to I am Enough.” This first group will be for women and non-binary people.


The Details:

We will meet on 3 Sundays in a row, on Zoom, for 60-90 minutes.


Sunday, September 18th at 12pm Pacific

Sunday, September 25th at 12pm Pacific

Sunday, October 2nd at 12pm Pacific

In each session there will be:

Learning. I will be sharing some of the wisdom I have learned on this topic.

Community sharing. There will be the option to share together (no pressure, you can participate quietly if you prefer) about what we are experiencing and our challenges around feeling not enough. It can be incredibly healing to discover that we are not alone in feeling this way, and simply to connect and learn from each other.

Transformative practices to take home. I will share practices to retrain your mindset (the way that you dialogue with your mind) and your beliefs about yourself.

Group hypnosis sessions to wire in positive new beliefs into your subconscious mind where they can take root and create lasting change.

The first session will be about “I am Enough,” and the second session will be about self-confidence. I will tailor the third session to what the group needs, so the exact topic of that session is TBD, but all of the sessions will be part of the transformation to feeling, believing and knowing that “I am Enough.”

These sessions will not be recorded (because there may be some personal sharing) so you need to be able to attend live.

At the end of the 3 weeks:

  • You will receive a hypnosis recording that you can listen to every day at home to wire in the new beliefs to your subconscious mind

  • You will receive a 30 minute private coaching session with me that you can use when you need it, to support you to help integrate the changes.

If you feel called to be part of this, but the times/days don’t work for you, please let me know which days/times would work best for you, and if there are enough people requesting those days/times, I will create a second group.


Sunday, September 18th AT 12pm Pacific

Sunday, September 25th at 12pm Pacific

Sunday, October 2nd at 12pm Pacific

Program Cost: $397

This is less than half of what it would cost to have these sessions one-on-one with me, and you get the beautiful benefit of connecting and sharing with a group of wonderful women, as well as the magnified effects of healing that happen in a group.

Can’t afford it? Let me know, and if I have any spots left I will offer you a reduced fee, as I don’t want that to be a reason for you not to join us.

RSVP and sign up here:

This is going to be a small group with limited spots, so please RSVP quickly so that you don't miss out.

The last day to register is Wednesday, September 14th.

With love,


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